India is the largest kingdom in the history of independent empire

India is the largest kingdom in the history of independent empire

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British Empire

The peace of the United Kingdom The administrative territories of the various regions of peace you introduced to the empire at one time managed to divide 4% of our total area and 3% of the total population of the country. Greatest Awami Empire '

And that is why it is said that sometimes the sun of the empire meets their subcontinent and Shahnameh.

Has ruled the world as your nation for 200 years in a row!

Famine in India
The empire began to compete with the French in the early 17th century, at which time some joint stock companies or state-owned enterprises could do much to collect parts of North America and some mussels.

For 200 years, the company has managed the world as the largest nation in the Chai-East East Chairman Company for the greatest progress they have ever made, and their response has been believed by other Europeans because of their post-colonial administration.

Considering the size of the expected empire three crore 37 lakh square!

Their greatest tool was the most powerful train at the time, and the colonial education system of our ships, the means of transportation and the rapid communication system with the help of which he could loudly think of as the ruler of his mind.

From Canada to Australia to Nigeria to the Caribbean to South Africa, they are the presidents of the largest empire in history, with an area of ​​3.6 billion square feet. One share


They are the rulers of God's work in an environment where their motives are scattered all over the world and propagating their false propaganda.

The most fascinating colony of the best empires was India, the year of the domination of other colonial powers in Europe to start some very small coastal area in the middle of the 17th century, but in the 18th century they occupied the lion's share of their subcontinent.

About 600 crore states have swallowed up the subcontinent of choice!

You have ideally taken control of our subcontinent with the help of various local rulers of these countries.

So that, he says, the rulers of India see a time when proxy war can see they fight with themselves

The British have been able to capture about 600 crore states from the Indian Ocean islands to the Himalayas, large and small, due to their cunning conspiracy.

They had a golden egg like a duck!

We also started collecting money from the people to decide the way after spending ‘1765’ like a golden egg-laying duck to the subcontinent to get money from the people to claim that we have handed it over to them.

The money they can take from the masses when they come to trade in exchange for their local products is the money they use as their main business asset, in addition to selling the demand for goods from Europe to India. |

Merchants of goods procured from India can meet the stagnant demand, while European companies say they are the biggest capitalists without supplying any of their own products.

The art of the British Revolution Iron Altara tree trunks were smuggled in large quantities from India.

Not only that, with the counter-luntithium government investing itself in various industrializations in other colonies, including Canada and Australia, a study found that between 1765 and 1938, the government owned 45 trillion US dollars, about 17 times more than India.

Today they are looking at the third world country with contempt!

The British education system does not teach them a lesson in looting. There is no accurate description of the wealth they have amassed through injustice and exploitation around the world.

What they don't know is that their forefathers deliberately pushed these environments below the poverty line, but also highlighted the aristocracy of the British colony in their schools. "

As a result of which most Britons are now proud of their colonial past, many in Britain still think that the colonies have benefited from British rule. A 2014 poll found that 43% of Britons think the British Empire was a good thing.

While only 19 per cent of Britons think the British colonies were bad and 25 per cent say the British Empire was neither good nor bad, critics claim that the British have caused horrific events in their colonies, such as genocide, famine and torture.

India dies of famine!

Under the British Empire, about 12 million to 29 million people in India died of various famines, while at the same time, millions of tons of wheat were smuggled from India to Britain each year.

The catastrophic famine in Bengal in 1943 killed only 4 million people but the then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered the supply of food grains produced in Bengal to the British troops.

Winston Churchill says Indians give birth to countless children!

Winston Churchill said of the famine in Bengal: "I hate the Indians because they are not human beings like animals and their religion is responsible for this brutal famine.

If the taxes paid by the people in India had been spent on the welfare of the people, the people of the region would not have had to fight poverty for hundreds of years.

The British, despite being the third largest empire in India today, did not bring any benefits to the region. In the past, the largest empire in the Indian subcontinent was the Mauryan Empire and

The journey of the Mukuls that began with its ascension to the throne in Kabul culminated in the incorporation of the lion's share of territory in India, famous for its art-culture congratulatory regime and the Mukul empire.

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